

       I am writing some different poems on Summer.

     This is a type of poem where you say one thing like the subject: horse, then something that relates to horse like barn, then something relates to barn like cat an so on. Then you end it with another word for horse like zebra's relative. Mine is on summer.

Free suckers
North Pole
Polar Bears
Snow cones
The No School Season

     This next poem is where you take a month and fill in it. Called "Sense of time poems."

July is bright yellow
The color of the sun
July feels like hot sun on your back
It sounds like laughter
It smells like lemons
July taste like watermelon
July is summer and my birthday

           The haiku (pronounced hi-coo) is a type of poem that first appeared in Japan. The poem is usually laid out in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. The best haikus use simple words, not only to describe a scene but also to give us a feeling or make us think. 

Here's one:
When I write haiku
I always seem to have one syllable left o

Water tumbles down

In a gently flowing stream
Over rocks it trips

And one more:

Tall and skinny, with gray bold marks

Invented by mankind

To be especially used on weekdays



Being strong for the Lord in your youth

        People usually view teen years as the "rebellion years". When I was 8, we had a garage sale, near the end a man came up and commented how well behaved we were. My dad responded with a simple thank you. Somehow the man said that they won't be as cute in their teens. Just the world views teens that way, it doesn't mean we have to do act that way.
        The teens years are meant for us by God to strengthen are relationships with him. When your young is a good time to develop skills in piano, music, sports and  more. When your older it is somtimes harder to devlop thius skills. The same thing is your relationship with God. You need to plant those seeds now and not wait till later.


Pray for Painter

       These last few weeks have been kinda crazy. We are moving sometime in June so my Mom has been packing everything. We are also fixing up the house we are living in to sell. We have had painters come in and paint. They are from Mexico. One is named Camilo. My mom is able to talk more with them, because she can speak spanish. Camilo left Mexico and his family, because he could not provide for his family. He came to America to earn money to send to his family. He has not seen them in two years, probably because he is a illegal immagarnt. When my mom asked him if he went to church, he said no. Camilo said he was brought up in a Catholic church; he left it, because he wanted it to be about relationship not religion. Camilo also told my mom he had no friends in America and a few weeks before his birthday he prayed to God, "Dear God, for my birthday please give me a bible." On his birthday he did not get a bible, but two weeks later two girls knocked on the door of his house. They asked him how he was feeling. He answered, "I am broken." They said, "We have a gift for you," and they handed him a spanish bible. Camilo had never seen these girls in his life. He reads his bible every morning. He does not have time to go to church. Please pray that he will find a church and have a relationship with the Lord. Pray that my mom will be able to reach out to him. Pray that his family will learn about the Lord. Please pray that the Lord will continue to move him.
