
Pumpkin Carving Party!

    Our good friends from church held a pumpkin carving party! It was a lot of fun and you got to judge the pumpkins. We have one pumpkin for the whole family (7 people). So naturally when someone suggested the idea of our family name we all agreed. I added candy corns for a more original (never done before) pumpkin. I took a ton of pictures since so many people where carving our pumpkins. 

8 sweet notes:

  1. Love your pumpkin {& the candy corn touch}!

  2. This is EPIC! You got some talented carvings there!

  3. Too awesome! :)
    I love the one that is like the big pumpkin is biting the little one. LOL!


  4. I awarded you! =)



  5. Those are awesome pumpkins, a lot of unique ideas!
    The punmpkins with tongues or eating their "hat" (and stem) made me laugh!
    The pictures of it all dark and just them lit up turned out really good.


  6. Thanks for stopping by! Those are some pretty cool pumpkins, lots of creativity! :)

  7. Really cool pumpkin carvings!! I really liked a lot of them! And I lovvvvve candy corn!! :)
    Check out my blog if you haven't-http://ising4jesus.blogspot.com/


  8. Truly adorable this pumpkin carving party was. I would love to include pumpkin carving content in my daughter’s upcoming birthday bash. I have just booked one of the most beautiful garden themed NYC venues for this party. Hoping that the bash will turn out to be pretty interesting for kids and adults too.


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